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Daniel Freedman
Daniel Freedman

Wallaby.js for Intellij: A Fast and Intelligent Test Runner for JavaScript

Wallaby.js for Intellij: A Fast and Intelligent Test Runner for JavaScript

If you are looking for a way to run your JavaScript tests faster and get instant feedback on your code coverage and test results, you may want to try Wallaby.js for Intellij. Wallaby.js is a plugin that integrates with Intellij IDEs (WebStorm, PhpStorm, RubyMine, IntelliJ IDEA, etc.) and provides a smart test runner that continuously runs your tests as you change your code. It also reports code coverage and other results to your code editor immediately, so you can see what parts of your code are tested, what parts are not, and what parts are causing errors.

Wallaby.js uses various tricks to run your tests as fast as possible, such as runtime analysis to only execute tests affected by code changes and parallel test execution. It also supports automatic configuration for many popular testing frameworks and tools, such as Mocha, Jest, Jasmine, QUnit, Karma, Angular CLI, Vue CLI, Create React App, and more. You can also create your own configuration file if your project does not support automatic configuration.

In this article, we will show you how to install and use Wallaby.js for Intellij in a simple calculator project. We will use Mocha as our testing framework and Chai as our assertion library. You can find the sample project with created run configurations and config files in this repository.

Wallaby.js for Intellij v1.0.124

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Installing Wallaby.js for Intellij

To install Wallaby.js for Intellij, you need to download the plugin from the JetBrains Marketplace[^1^]. You can also install it directly from your IDE by going to Settings/Preferences Plugins Marketplace and searching for Wallaby.js. Once you have installed the plugin, you need to create a new Wallaby.js Run Configuration by selecting Edit configurations from the drop-down menu in the top right-hand corner of the navigation bar, or from the Run menu.

If you are using a technology that is supported by automatic configuration, then set your run configurationâs Configuration Type value to Automatic. If you have a mono-repo and only want to run for one project then set the Root Path to your project folder. If your project does not support automatic configuration then you will first need to create a configuration file in your projectâs root and select this as your Configuration File in your run configuration. You can read more about the configuration file format and other settings in the configuration file section[^2^].

Using Wallaby.js for Intellij

Once you have created and saved the run configuration, you can start Wallaby.js by running your run configuration. The first time you start, Wallaby.js may take a minute or two to install its dependencies. The dependencies are cached and updated automatically when required. Once you have started the run configuration, in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen youâll see the wallaby status indicator. Its job is pretty simple: when it displays a spinner, your tests are running; when itâs red, you have some failing tests; when itâs green, all of your tests are passing.

Wallaby.js also displays a tool window where you can see the Failing Tests tab and the Wallaby Console tab. The Failing Tests tab displays all tests that are currently failing along with the error stacks and registered console.log calls. Some bits of the displayed information are hyperlinks that you can use with your mouse or keyboard to navigate to different places, for example to the exact error line, or a failing test, or a place where something is logged to console. Also, when a test error contains expected and actual properties, the Failing Tests tab displays compact diff view and can display side-by-side diff view. This allows to quickly debug failing equality assertions and snapshots. The Wallaby Console tab also displays some additional information about test execution progress. The tab can also be useful for troubleshooting wallaby.js issues.

One of the most powerful features of Wallaby.js is its code coverage reporting. Wallaby.js shows code coverage indicators right in your editor gutter: green squares mean that the code is covered by at least one test; gray squares mean that the code is not covered by any test; red squares mean that the code is covered by at least one failing test; yellow squares mean that there is some issue with collecting coverage for that line (for example, syntax error or timeout). You can also hover over any indicator to see more details about 29c81ba772


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